Friday, January 12, 2007

Why Happy to be Home

I have wanted to be a stay at home mom for as long as I can remember but something always stood in the way( or so I though). I would do the old song and dance we can't afford for me to stay home. Or when we get this bill paid or that paid. I did this for ten years. Then, I would go to work crying all the way to and from work. I would drop the boys off at the babysitters(disliking her because she was the one taking care if my boys not me)get in the car and cry. My husband wasn't happy because his day would end in Chaos and Clutter because I had no energy after working all day.

Then one day I finally listen to God. During one of my crying fits I heard a quiet voice saying why are you doing this to yourself and your family. Your heart is at home why aren't you there. But I said we can't
That quiet voice said" you Can"
But the bills
" Don't worry it will take care of it's self"
But....I said
"Your not listening "the voice quietly stated
But what if.....
"Put your trust in me"
"MY will not YOURS"
"Remember the prayer that you pray daily the one Dear Lord Please help me find a way
to stay home with my boys ......Do you remember that prayer"
"Trust me....Trust me.....

It took me two more weeks to Finally Come home that was almost a year ago and I will
Never regret it. I love being at home with my boys, teaching them at home,learning to keep my home. I finally I'm where I longed to be. God is faithful he has made it possible. He heard my cry. Thank you Lord for not give up on me.....To God be the Glory...


Domestically Inclined said...

How exciting! Congrats on your SAHM anniversary! Praise God!

VictoriousMommy said...

I hope that you begin bloggin again soon!